Mon - Fri

8:00 am - 7:00 pm

+33 06 78 40 99 48​

43 route de Caumont, 84140 Avignon MFT, FRANCE​​

Why contact us ?

A request for a demonstration

Would you like to learn more about our Horus solution and see how it can transform the security of your sites? We would be happy to arrange a demonstration tailored to your needs.


Lium is always looking for new partners to develop innovative solutions in the field of industrial surveillance and emission reduction. Contact us to discuss potential collaborations.

Press and media

For any press inquiries, interviews, or additional information about our activities, please feel free to contact us directly.



Want to join an innovative company committed to the energy transition?

We are always looking for new talents passionate about surveillance technologies and sustainable solutions!

Visit our LinkedIn page or contact us directly to learn more about our opportunities.

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Discover a new era of industrial security with an autonomous and eco-friendly solution.


06 78 40 99 48

43 route de Caumont, 84140 Avignon, FRANCE

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